Marietta Sexual Assault Lawyer

If you’re in the Marietta, Georgia area and you’re looking for a Marietta Sexual Assault Lawyer, you have plenty of options. There are several types of sexual assault lawyers in the area, and you’ll want to do your research before you hire one. You’ll want to find out how much it will cost to have a sexual assault attorney handle your case, and whether you can expect to pay less. Also, you’ll want to learn about the various ways you can get your charges dropped or plea bargained.

Cost Of Hiring A Sex Crimes Lawyer

If you’ve been accused of sexual assault, you need to hire a good criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible. Without proper representation, your life can be upended.

Convictions for sex crimes can affect your entire family and career. They can include severe financial penalties, jail time, and social stigma.

Before you decide to hire a lawyer, check out their reputation. You can look at reviews on Yelp or Avvo. Also, check their track record. See how many clients have been satisfied with their services.

You may want to choose a lawyer who offers a flat rate for the entire case. This provides you with a certain amount of money to budget for your legal fees.

It’s also important to determine how many hours the attorney will be working. Some attorneys will charge an hourly fee while others will work on a phase-by-phase basis.

Defending Against Sex Crimes Charges

Defending against sex crimes charges can be a terrifying experience. These allegations can derail your life and leave you with a permanent mark on your record. Moreover, a conviction can mean serious financial and emotional harm to you and your family.

Whether you are facing charges for sexual battery or sexual assault, it is important to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney right away. An experienced lawyer can provide the guidance and information you need to help you navigate your case successfully.

Many sex crimes are prosecuted as misdemeanors, but there are still severe penalties if you are convicted. You may end up serving a year in jail, pay heavy fines, or be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your natural life.

Reducing Charges

If you have been accused of sexual assault in Marietta, Georgia, you need a criminal defense attorney to represent you in court. Charges can be complex and personal, and you need a lawyer who can prepare a solid defense for you.

Depending on the charges, a conviction can have life-changing consequences. If you’re convicted of rape or solicitation, you may be required to register on the sex offender registry, which can have a negative effect on your job and housing options.

You should have an experienced Marietta criminal defense lawyer represent you in court. A good lawyer can challenge the charges against you and help you avoid mandatory registration.

In many cases, prosecutors try to increase charges by looking for a “red flag” in the police report. For example, if there is a mention of the victim’s hands being around the neck, then this can be used to elevate an ordinary assault charge to aggravated assault.

Plea Bargains

Plea bargains are a way for defendants to avoid registering on the sex offender registry. It also can help avoid jail time. However, you must be aware of the consequences if you accept a plea deal.

Assault Lawyer | Top Rated Bowie Criminal Defense Lawyer

Conviction for a sex crime can have long-lasting effects. Depending on the type of offense, you could face a prison term of one to 25 years. And if you have a prior sex offense conviction on your record, you can face a heightened penalty.

The penalties for a rape conviction are even more severe. If you are convicted of rape, you can face a sentence that includes life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

There are numerous reasons why people choose to work with a criminal defense attorney. They know the law, can evaluate the evidence against them, and can negotiate a plea deal.

Avoiding Consequences

Survivors of sexual assault experience a variety of psychological effects, some of which have lasting ramifications. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), re-occurring health issues, and loss of productivity. As a result, victims need to take action before the trauma can become ingrained.

The best way to prevent sexual assault is to ensure that your school, workplace, or housing complex is safe. There are multiple resources available on and off campus to help you navigate this challenging terrain.

It’s also worth mentioning that an experienced Marietta criminal defense lawyer can perform a comprehensive investigation into the alleged crimes to ensure that your rights are not violated. Aside from helping you defend yourself, a savvy attorney can also minimize or avoid a mandatory registration as a sex offender.