What Is a Notary Public in Toronto, Ontario?

Notary publics are licensed to serve the community by different services such as signature witnessing. Their most important task is checking your transactions’ authenticity and prevent fraud. They usually take the final step in an agreement and establish power of attorney. You may not be familiar with the notary publics’ job and ask yourself,” What is a notary public in Toronto, Ontario?” You may have seen stamping a document done by a notary public before. However, how does a notary public attains the seal of approval? Continue reading this article to see who those legal agents are verifying whether a contract has a problem or not.

A notary Publics Job

As mentioned previously, the main task of a notary public is to deter fraud. The Ontario government appoints them to help prevent fraud in the best possible way. If you have an important document or contract, a notary public witnesses it’s signing. They also must verify both signers’ identities. A notary public makes sure that both parties are willing to sign the agreement. With the help of a notary public, fraudsters can’t do their job anymore. Notary publics should be fully aware of the mentioned items in a contract or document since they check everything is right and respecting the rules and regulations. The documents a notary public checks may include the power of attorney, estates, affidavits, contracts, licenses, loan documents, deeds, and trusts. Commissioning of the oaths and affirmations is another duty done by a notary public. In Toronto, the paralegals can be regulated to do notary public jobs.


How to Notarize Your Document? 

Notary publics usually have an office. It means you can refer to a notary public office in person to have your documents notarized. However, some notary publics offer online notary services, especially after the widespread Corona Virus. If you want to go to a notary public office personally, it may be time-consuming, costly, and inconvenient. As a result, many clients may prefer to have their documents notarized online. Like any other legal field, notary publics services have evolved since their creation.

Why Should You Have Your Document Notarized? 

If you want your document to have the required legal effect, you must have it notarized before a notary public. When your document contains corresponding significance and is formal, notarization seems necessary. Ontario government train the notary public as official witnesses and individuals to notarize important documents. Certifying a true copy of your important documents is something that only a notary public can do. You can send the true certified copies to different organizations and companies as valid documents. When you refer to the notary public office to have your document notarized, you must have your identification card with you. The ID card should also have a picture and be government-issued. The rules of notary public services may be different province by province. For example, your document requires signature witnessing along with notarization in Ontario. As a result, you must not sign a contract before visiting a notary public.